Nervt Euch das auch? Spekulatius in den Supermärkten, wenn draußen noch bei 20 Grad die Septembersonne scheint? Lebkuchen und Marzipankartoffeln, obwohl noch kein einziges Blatt von den Bäumen fiel? Aber jetzt, jetzt wird's kalt, das Laub fällt unaufhörlich und ich gerate allmählich in diese herbstliche Kuschelstimmung. Und gestern habe ich sogar die ersten Butterspekulatius gekauft. Ich konnte nicht anders, es hat so gelockt. Eat me! Eat me! Eat me!

Are you bothered by christmas offers already in september? Do you roll eyes if you find christmas biscuits in supermarkets even if outside the sun is shining on a warm autumn day. In my opinion you have to be in the right mood to enjoy all that christmas stuff and it has to be cold outside. And here we are! It is becoming quite cold since last weekend and I did buy my first almond biscuits with this rich tast of butter, called Spekulatius! I could not resist. I found them in the supermarket screaming eat me! eat me! eat me!
Well, I am prepared for winter now! I am in the middle of a production process, sewing lots of hoodies and dresses. I am proud to have the oportunity to sell my products on the first december weekend. I will have a stall on the Stadtgarten Weihnachtsmarkt in Cologne. It's a very beautiful christmas market!
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