Mit Winnie-the-Pooh wurden die Geschichten von A.A. Milne bekannt. Inzwischen ist der kleine Bär durch unendliches Merchandising schon ziemlich gerupft.
"When We Were Very Young" ist das erste Buch von A.A. Milne. Es
erschien 1924 und enthält die wunderschönen Illustrationen
von E. H. Shepard. "INDEPENDENCE" lautet mein Lieblingsgedicht aus
diesem Buch und es beschreibt unsere Söhne perfekt. Und dann fielen mir diese Buchstabenstempel beim Schlendern durch den Bastelladen in die Hände...
A.A. Milne is the creative father of Winnie-the-Pooh which as everyone knows is one of the most famous fictional bears in the world. Although being overly exploited by too much merchandising this bear and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood have become an inseparable part of childhood. E. H. Shepard's lovely illustrations make all those characters come alive. My favorite poem from the book "When We Were Very Young" is called INDEPENDENCE and it shows, that already in 1924 there were ambitions to bring up your children with a free mind.
(black ruber stamps on white jersey)